Friday, May 8, 2020

Zoya's Six Year "Gotcha Day!"

It has been over 5 years since I last posted to our Blog describing Zoya's journey from Orphanage to forever home.  Well today, May 8, 2020 marks Zoya's 6 year "Gotcha Day!"  Zoya is now a spunky and sassy 16 year old young lady!  She is and always will be my Bulgarian Princess!

So what can I say about the past six years and keep it somewhat short....The easy answer, and as I state throughout my entire blog, we have been blessed by Zoya more than words can describe!  Zoya has not only blessed our family, she has blessed pretty much anyone that has become a part of her life!  And vice versa, I will not name names for the sake of not getting their permission to include in a blog, nor do I want to inadvertently forget a name, but there are so many people that have blessed Zoya with their love and friendship!  I THANK everyone with the bottom of my heart for your love and generous caring about Zoya!  It means the world to Amy and I!  THANK YOU!

I love telling stories to anyone that will listen and I can say, I start many with, "Zoya this and Zoya that..." She keeps us laughing in her own witty way!  My favorite ever Zoya story was during a vacation in Durango, CO only a few months after the adoption.  We all decided we would do one of the guided river rafting trips down the Animas River.  We were at the park waiting our turn to gear up and have some fun on the river and in the background someone had loud hip hop music playing.  Zoya started to dance, shaking her hips and really giving the music what it deserved...a good rump shake!  Amy stated, "Zoya, that dance is a bit inappropriate!" Zoya stopped, turned around and bowed with a waving hand and said, "Thank you!"  Due to the nature, Zoya had no idea what inappropriate even meant, her thank you was a sincere "Why Thank You" notion!  We all cried in laughter!  I thought Coen was going to fall in the river from laughing!  I have so many more stories, like being at the park and realizing she still has her bowling shoes on from an earlier birthday party.  To pranking her favorite teachers. And of course, all the silly things she will do or say!  In short though, she keeps us entertained!

Zoya has made some great strides in the past year or two in her education.  While Zoya will always have special needs, and is cognitively delayed, Amy and I have seen so much growth lately!  When I hear her reading, even if it is a 1st grade style book, it warms my heart!  She still struggles through it, but if you only knew where her starting point was just 6 years ago, you too would be impressed!  She is starting to get a better understanding of simple math problems.  I appreciate all her teachers and especially her mom, Amy who has the patience and love it takes to teach.  I stink at it and Amy just sits in the background laughing at me trying to teach Zoya anything....Speaking of teaching her something.  I took Zoya to play Top Golf with Coen and I.  If you need comedy relief and like to live on the edge all at once, go play golf with Zoya.  You will get a laugh, and someone might get hurt!  She has a special talent to be able to hit a golf ball on about every fifth swing and the ball will never go forward.  I eventually had to think about the safety of the other patrons at Top Golf and remove the clubs from her special talent!

All I can say is Amy and I love Zoya so much and while the adoption was a life saving event for her, she has blessed us beyond words!  She has two brothers that love her and are so patient, or at least as patient as big brothers can be!  Zoya has grand parents and great grand parents that spoil and love her!  Of course all the aunts and uncles, cousins that give Zoya so much love! Again, to all  THANK YOU!

Finishing up, I have told so many people over the past several years, I wish everyone could have a Zoya in their life!  Happy Gotcha Day Zoya! Mom and Dad love you so much and we cannot wait to continue our journey and adventure with you in our lives!